26th January 2022
Patricia Lohr, BPAS Medical Director, commented:
“We welcome this study which adds to the significant body of evidence which indicates an association between combined oral contraceptives and a reduced risk of ovarian cancer. Oral contraceptives, which, over 50 years since becoming more widely available, remain the most commonly used method of contraception in this country. Over recent years, we have seen a concerted drive to encourage the use of long-acting methods, such as the coil or implant, rather than the user dependent methods like the contraceptive pill on the basis that LARCs offer greater protection against unplanned pregnancy. Efficacy is not the only factor women may wish to consider when choosing the contraceptive that is right for them, because, as this study suggests, there are benefits and risks attached to all methods.”
The full paper, ‘European cancer mortality predictions for the year 2022 with focus on ovarian cancer’, can be accessed online here: https://www.annalsofoncology.org/article/S0923-7534(21)04881-X/fulltext