London Landmarks Half Marathon 2025

Join #TeamChoice in April 2025 and run for BPAS in this unique half marathon winding through central London past iconic landmarks.

Join #TeamChoice


Half Marathon


6th April 2025



Fundraising Target


Whether you already have your own place, or you’d like a charity place, join #TeamChoice for The London Landmarks Half Marathon and help us protect and extend women’s reproductive rights and choices.

The London Landmarks Half Marathon is an event like no other, you will get to explore the capital’s iconic landmarks and hidden secrets.

If you would like a place on #TeamChoice, we ask that you pledge to raise a minimum of £450 for BPAS.

To find out more about the route and the event head here.

Sign Up for #TeamChoice

Please note: We have a limited number of spaces, by filling in the form your name will be entered into the #TeamChoice ballot, you are not guaranteed a place by completing the form. A member of the team will contact you if you have been successful in gaining a place.

Register your interest

    Event Terms and Conditions

    By accepting a charity place from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service I agree that:   


    1. I will inform the British Pregnancy Advisory Service Team immediately if I am unable to take part in the event.

    2. I understand that this event is organised by the event organiser who is solely responsible for the conduct and operation of the event, including all health and safety requirements. Please see the event organiser’s terms and conditions, or contact the event organiser directly for more information about the event and the potential risks involved.

    3. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service is not responsible for the event and accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to your participation in it.

    4. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service will store your name and email address and share these with the Event organisers who will contact you to confirm your personal information to facilitate your participation in the event. From time to time, we may contact you by phone or email about the London Landmarks Half Marathon 2025, to keep you updated on our work and ways you can help. You can change the way you hear from us at any time by emailing us at

    5. All participants undertake the event at their own risk. It is the responsibility of all participants to assess their own fitness and ensure they are fully prepared and sufficiently fit to take part in the event. Should any medical condition occur during training and it affects your ability to take part in the event we recommend you seek medical advice and if necessary withdraw from the event.

    6. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service does not provide any insurance for life, medical or liability, for any illness, accident, injury, death, loss or damage that may arise in connection with the attendance at and/or participation in the Event. Participants shall be responsible for arranging their own suitable and adequate insurance protection to cover their participation in the Event, including loss/damage to any equipment they may use in the Event or personal property, any loss or damage they may cause to a third party, sickness, negligence of any party.

    7. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service and its staff and volunteers will not be liable for any accident, loss or damage to participants for undertaking the event.

    8. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service will not be responsible for any loss or damages sustained by participants as a result of the event being cancelled or any changes due to safety or any other reasons

    9. Each British Pregnancy Advisory Service participant is responsible for their actions whilst attending or participating in the Event. This includes at the Event start point, during the Event and at the completion point. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service accepts no responsibility for the actions of a British Pregnancy Advisory Service participant nor the consequences of such actions.

    10. All British Pregnancy Advisory Service participants and friends and family who chose to attend the event do so at their own risk.

    11. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service Reserve the right to withdraw a participant’s place in the event for any of the following reasons:

    a. Participant is not following the event organisers instructions

    b. The participants actions are putting their and others health and safety at risk.

    c. The participant is causing offence by their behaviour and is reflecting badly on the British Pregnancy Advisory Service

    Donations and Payment Terms

    12. I pledge to raise a minimum of £450 excluding Gift Aid and registration fee.

    13. Pay a non-refundable and non-transferable registration fee of £45

    14. I will commit to raise as much as possible for British Pregnancy Advisory Service and will inform the Fundraising team if I am struggling to meet the fundraising target at the earliest opportunity

    15. I will regularly pay all money collected to the charity by:

    a. Cheque

    b. BACS

    c. online donations on online fundraising pages (e.g JustGiving)

    16. I will send the British Pregnancy Advisory Service all outstanding funds raised within 4 weeks after the event date.

    17. All fundraising undertaken must be transferred to the British Pregnancy Advisory Service. You cannot use money raised in relation to the event to pay personal expenses.

    Fundraising activities

    18. I will comply with any fundraising guidance or advice issues by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service.

    19. I will use any fundraising materials provided by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service to fundraise for this event and will return any unused materials on completion of the event, or a maximum of four weeks after the event date.

    20. I will only use lawful means to fundraise and will not do anything that is likely to harm the British Pregnancy Advisory Service reputation.

    21. I will make donors aware of what happens to their donations if I fail to complete the event.

    22. I will abide by the Code of Fundraising Practice issued by the Fundraising Regulator.

    Sponsorship not conditional

    23. I agree that my sponsorship forms will make it clear that the money is not given subject to any conditions and that the monies will not be returned if the event is cancelled or I do not complete the event.

    24. If the British Pregnancy Advisory Service is paying any of the event costs, I will make this clear to sponsors.

    Personal data and images

    25. I give permission for the free use of my first name, picture, image, feedback and comments in any future publicity, advertising, fundraising materials and/or promotion conducted by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service.

    26. I give permission for my personal information to be stored and used by British Pregnancy Advisory Service in connection with the organisation, promotion and administration of the Event.


    27. I confirm that I will be at least 18 years old on the date of the event and I hereby accept these terms and conditions.