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for a future where you're in control

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Take Action for Contraceptive Innovation – Join the Movement!

At BPAS, we believe that everyone deserves access to modern, effective contraception that suits their needs. But to make this a reality, we need your help! Whether you sign our petition, fundraise or donate, or spread the word about our campaign, every action brings us closer to revolutionising contraceptive choice. Together, we can push for the innovation needed to improve contraception options for all.  

Read our report Contraception Re-Imagined: The Unfinished Revolution to learn more about why we need more contraceptive innovation.

Read the report

Together, we can push for the innovation needed to improve contraception options for all.

Sign the Petition

Our petition calls on the UK Government to take urgent action and fund the research and development of innovative contraceptive solutions, including male contraceptives and contragestives. Current contraceptive options haven’t evolved in decades, and people are growing increasingly dissatisfied with side effects and barriers to access. We need modern contraception options that empower everyone to take control of their reproductive health.

Our key asks:

Increase government funding for cutting-edge research into new contraceptive methods.

Modernise outdated approval processes to bring innovations like contragestives to market.

Reduce contraceptive wait times to avoid unintended pregnancies

Support gender equity by investing in male contraceptive research and products.

Raise public awareness about new and existing contraceptive options.

By signing this petition, you can send a clear message to the UK Government: we demand progress in contraception innovation.

Make your voice heard - sign the petition now!


Fundraise or Donate

Your support is vital to advancing reproductive rights and pushing for the contraceptive innovations we urgently need. Whether it’s helping us run awareness campaigns, supporting research, or advocating for law reform, every contribution makes a difference.

How you can help:

Donate: Every donation, no matter how small, goes towards our work advancing and protecting reproductive rights in the UK.

Donate Here

Fundraise: Host a fundraiser, run a bake sale, or set a personal challenge - every bit helps raise awareness and support.

If you have your own fundraising ideas, or would like to organise an event to support our cause, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us at friends@bpas.org, and let’s work together to make it happen.


Share the Campaign

Raising awareness is key to pushing for change, and you can help amplify our message by sharing this campaign with your network. The more people we reach, the stronger our movement becomes - and the greater the pressure on decision-makers to act.

Ways you can share:

• Post about the petition and campaign on social media using our hashtag #contraceptionconversation.

Share your personal story or why you support contraceptive innovation - it could inspire others to get involved.

• Talk to your friends, family, and colleagues about the importance of modernising contraceptive choices.

Have an idea for a creative way to share our campaign? Whether it’s hosting an event, creating content, or coming up with something new, we’re always open to fresh ideas! Email us at friends@bpas.org, and let’s make an impact together.


Join the movement now—sign, share, and support the campaign to ensure that everyone has access to the contraceptive options they need, now and in the future. Together, we can transform contraception choices for generations to come! 



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We rely on the generosity of our supporters to help fund our efforts to protect and extend reproductive rights.


Share Your Story

At BPAS, we strive to empower every woman with reproductive autonomy. Share your experience to help others feel less alone.

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